Security Insights - Cybersecurity for Real-World Workplaces
Welcome to Security Insights, where best-practice cybersecurity meets the real-world risks facing workplaces every day. Ivanti's VP of Product Management, Chris Goettl, brings in a rotating cast of guests to discuss the strategies and tactics that truly matter to the security teams protecting organizations, agencies and businesses like yours.
48 episodes
The Top 10 Problems with Vulnerability Management
Vulnerability management is not for the faint of heart. The pitfalls are many, and odds are you probably have at least one of these issues. Ivanti's Chris Goettl and Robert Waters run down the list of what can get in the way of vulnerability ma...
Season 5
Episode 48

The Four Big Questions of Cybersecurity
Ivanti's Chris Goettl and Robert Waters take on four big questions facing cybersecurity today, namely: Who gets the upper hand from AI, cyber adversaries or the legitimate organizations looking to stop them? What'...
Season 5
Episode 47

Proactive Protection with Exposure Management
Ivanti's Robert Waters welcomes Grand Bank CTO Robert Hanson for a wide-ranging conversation on the emerging field of exposure management and how you can proactively safeguard your organization, because every organization faces risk. What separ...
Season 5
Episode 46

The Ghosts of Exposure Management Past, Present, and Future
Join Ivanti's Chris Goettl and Robert Waters as they take a Christmas-Carol-themed trip through the emerging field of exposure management, taking a close (and possibly ghostly) look at the past, present, and future of the field. To lear...
Season 5
Episode 45

Top 5 Tips for Cybersecurity Awareness
Ivanti's Chris Goettl (VP of Product, Patch Management) welcomes back Robert Waters (Lead PMM, Exposure Management) for a special episode for Cybersecurity Awareness Month, sourcing five tips from a range of Ivanti employees on how your organiz...
Season 5
Episode 44

Vulnerability Intelligence with Securin CEO Ram Movva
Securin CEO Ram Movva joins the show to talk all things vulnerability intelligence: how to prioritize according to risk, how to manage your external attack surface and emerging trends in ransomware and security.
Season 5
Episode 43

Avoiding the Costs of a Cyberattack
Ivanti's Chris Goettl (VP of Product, Patch Management) welcomes back Robert Waters (Lead PMM, Exposure Management) to cover the dreaded costs of a cyberattack, and how organizations can work to proactively avoid them by addressing three strate...
Season 5
Episode 42

Cyber Defense 202: Exploit Vulnerabilities
Ivanti's Robert Waters (Lead PMM, Exposure Management) is back with Chris Goettl (VP of Product, Patch Management) for the last of our three episodes covering Verizon's 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report, covering the third-most popular att...
Season 5
Episode 41

Cyber Defense 101: Phishing + Credential Attacks
Ivanti's Chris Goettl (VP of Product, Patch Management) welcomes back Robert Waters (Lead PMM, Exposure Management) for a follow-up on Verizon's 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report, discussing the two main attack vectors used in most breache...
Season 5
Episode 40

Dissecting the Verizon DBIR
Ivanti's Chris Goettl (VP of Product, Patch Management) welcomes Robert Waters (Lead PMM, Exposure Management) as they discuss the key takeaways from Verizon's latest annual Data Breach Investigations Report: persistent risk from credentials, m...
Season 5
Episode 39

Chief Scapegoat Officer: How to Keep "Fighting the Good Fight" for Ethical Security Standards
What does CSO stand for at your organization? Is it short for Chief Security Officer... or Chief Scapegoat Officer?In this episode, Ivanti CSO Daniel Spicer talks about how he never thought he'd be a CSO, and the unique p...
Season 3
Episode 38

Security and Employee Investigations: Breaking Down the Big Brother Security Myth
Daniel Spicer is back! Following up on last episode's discussion on the security risks of overemployment, Ivanti's Chief Security Officer returns to clear up the age-old myth of security tools being abused for employee investigations. Join Dani...
Season 3
Episode 37

Overemployment Security Concerns: A Risk Versus Remediation Case Study
Chris and Ashley use the current overemployment media trend as an example case study on evaluating security risks versus potential organizational impact. They cover: How overemployment existed before remot...
Season 3
Episode 36

Vulnerability Patch Prioritization Problems: Cybersecurity Research Results (Part Two)
Chris (finally!) adds his insights to the 2023 Press Reset cybersecurity research report, especially how its findings impact vulnerability and patch prioritization proce...
Season 3
Episode 35

Generative AI for Security Teams and Products with JR Robinson from Writer
JR Robinson, Head of Platform at generative AI startup Writer, joins VP of Endpoint Security Product Management Chris Goettl and Ashley Stryker to discuss current generative AI use cases for security teams that...
Season 3
Episode 34

Death, Taxes and Phishing: Cybersecurity Research Results (Part One)
Daniel and Ashley review the latest research report from Ivanti -- Press Reset: A 2023 Cybersecurity Status Report -- including prioritizing ph...
Season 2
Episode 33

Vendor Cyber Risk Management 101: Balancing Supply-Chain Risk with Remote Work DEX and IoT Litter Boxes
It's vendor risk versus reward!Chris and Amanda educate Ashley on the core considerations, processes and requirements for robust vendor risk management programs... including when to be afraid of your IoT devices, especially tho...
Season 2
Episode 32

IT vs Security: When Hackers Patch for Profit
IT Director Tony Miller goes toe-to-toe with Chief Security Officer Daniel Spicer to justify – or condemn! – IT and cybersecurity posts found on Reddit, featuring a legendary story about hackers that patched endpoints faster than the company it...
Season 2
Episode 31

Prisoner Priorities: Why Disclosure Policies Can’t Please Everyone
Daniel, Chris, Amanda and Ashley revisit the coordinated disclosure conversation from Episode 25 and apply the prisoner’s dilemma thought experiment to create a (more?) perfect vendor disclosure policy.Find shownotes for this epi...
Season 2
Episode 30

Women in Cybersecurity: Personal Experiences and Progress
Amanda and Ashley talk about their experiences as women in the cybersecurity and technology industries. (Spoiler alert: it’s on the up-and-up!)Find shownotes for this episode at
Season 2
Episode 29

Cloud Security: Indiana Bob’s Server Closet Versus Data Centers
Amanda and Chris share stories proving why your data really is more secure in the cloud than the average on-premises server closet – and what organizations should worry more about when it comes to data security.F...
Season 2
Episode 28

See Yourself in Cybersecurity: How 3 Experts Transitioned into InfoSec
Do you want to work in cybersecurity, but not sure how to start? Ashley and Chris talk to three current cybersecurity experts on how they entered the industry – including Ivanti deputy CSO Amanda Wittern. (Also, bonus update on how Ashley pulle...
Season 2
Episode 27

Phishing Attacks and Marketing Minds: How Hackers Use Unexpected Skills to Break Their Targets
In this episode, Chris tries to convince Ashley that marketers naturally make excellent hackers, based on modern phishing attacks and techniques… And Ashley confirms his guess by revealing the lengths to which marketers will go to “spoof” natur...
Season 2
Episode 26

Microsoft's Coordinated Disclosure Discussion from BlackHat & DefCon '22
Security Insights welcomes its new host, Ashley Stryker, into the mix! In today's episode, Chris Goettl and Daniel Spicer break down some backlash from Microsoft customers on their failure to disclose a “ninja patch” on a vulnerability research...
Season 2
Episode 25